The Virtual Portico has a cheese post that I missed. The comments that follow the post – many of which focus on a particular French presidential cheese quotation – set me off on a wild goose chase. A French google search reveals the following numbers:
Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays où il existe 246 variétés de fromage ?
Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays où il existe 258 variétés de fromage?
On ne peut pas gouverner un pays qui offre 365 variétés de fromages
Comment gouverner un pays qui a plus de 400 sortes de fromage?
It seems that 246 is the number most often quoted, but I can't find any firm evidence.
More important information about cheese follows:
Cheese quotes
Cheese novel
Handy one-volume cheese (non-fiction) resource suitable for holiday reading
Pic of a poster for a cheese festival from a hotel lobby in Bucharest:
(Okay, move along now, nothing more to see here...)